Voluntary, Community & Faith Sector Information

Many organisations, both charitable and commercial, work with groups of children and young people.  These may be: sports clubs; Religious groups; theatre groups; outdoor activities etc.

It is good practice for organisations such as these to have a safeguarding policy and related procedures for their staff and volunteers.  Such policies and procedures will ensure good practice in relation to child protection and give a measure of protection to workers from placing themselves in a vulnerable position.

It is important that these organisations write their own policy and procedures, to suit their individual circumstances.  Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Board has produced a checklist of issues to be considered to support this process.


Useful Websites

Young Solutions Worcestershire is an infrastructure charity which serves the voluntary youth sector across Worcestershire (previously known as Worcestershire Council for Voluntary Youth Services WCVYS). Young Solutions Worcestershire helps the voluntary sector deliver safeguarding best practice and provides a host of resources and helpful information on their website.

Young Solutions Guidance on Safeguarding Children and Young People Handbook has been written in partnership with the Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership and Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board.  The main handbook contains guidance and information on everything from “What are abuse and neglect?” to “Children and young people at risk of exploitation”, and it is supported by two supplements – one covering key legislation and national guidance, and the other with examples of the policies and procedures needed by every group/organisation working with children and young people.


Together, these documents provide up to date and essential information for workers, volunteers, management committees and trustees in voluntary and community sector organisations.