WSAB Learning & Development
WSAB Learning and Development Information and Resources
WSAB does not provide training. The County Council’s training opportunities are available to view online, which you may find useful.
Whilst the WSAB does not endorse, accredit or promote any specific training or resource members of the Safeguarding Network, alongside the WSAB and WCC, have identified the following training which they have found useful.
- Safeguarding Adults at Risk Training Courses – ACT (
- Home – elearning for healthcare (
- Online Safeguarding Training Courses | Virtual College (
- Prevent duty training: Learn how to support people susceptible to radicalisation | Prevent duty training (
WSAB has a Training Strategy (Learning and Development Strategy) which sets out the expectations they have of health and social care service providers in terms of required training, alongside the assurances the WSAB will seek to ensure that these are delivered and maintained.
Link to Learning & Development (Training) Strategy 2019 – 2022
Learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews
A Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) is a multi-agency review process which seeks to determine what relevant agencies and individuals involved could have done differently that could have prevented harm or a death from taking place. The purpose of a SAR is not to apportion blame. It is to promote effective learning and improvement to prevent future deaths or serious harm occurring again
The WSAB has a dedicated page with details of learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews published in Worcestershire.
A number of reoccurring themes have also been identified through SARs. These include:
- Mental Capacity Act
- Making Safeguarding Personal
- Professional Curiosity
- Multi Agency Working/ Information Sharing
Annual Learning Event 2022
WSAB holds an annual Learning Event for professionals, which provides an opportunity for practitioners, managers and partner members and agencies to contribute towards constantly improving safeguarding practice in Worcestershire. See our Events & Updates page for details of forthcoming events and presentations from past events.
In 2022 we held a joint event with the Learning from Lives and Deaths of People with a Learning Disability and autistic people (LeDeR) programme. We brought together people who have a learning disability with practitioners and commissioners. At this event participants shared their experience and together we explored opportunities to bring about improvements which can remove or reduce future risks.
The event was recorded graphically, and the findings will be shared with the WSAB and the LeDeR to inform future work plans.
Following the event we worked with some of the participants to develop some posters on what a good worker and good service looks like. Below are links to these posters;
Previous Learning Events
Details of previous learning events can be found by following this link