Who Needs Safeguarding? (Types of Abuse)
Safeguarding in Worcestershire applies to any adult who:
- requires care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs)
- is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect; and
- as a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.
Abuse may only happen once or may happen many times over a period of time. Reoccurring cases of poor care might be an indicator of more a serious problem – for example organisational abuse. Whatever the case, it needs to be reported.
If you want to discuss a concern or make a referral follow this link:
Reporting an adult safeguarding concern
Types of abuse
Abuse or neglect is an action, or lack of action, that leads to harm occurring to another person. Abuse or neglect may be deliberate or result from negligence or ignorance.
The Social Care Institute for Excellence provides a helpful guide to explaining adult safeguarding with can be found by following this link Introduction to safeguarding adults | SCIE
We are also developing more local information on the different types of abuse and neglect which can be found by following the links below:
- Discriminatory
- Domestic Abuse & Coercive Control
- Exploitation
- Financial Abuse and Scams
- Institutional neglect and poor practice
- Modern Slavery
- Neglect
- Psychological / Emotional
- Physical
- Self Neglect
- Sexual
Where does abuse and neglect happen?
Abuse is something that can happen at any time, anywhere including;
- In somebody’s own home
- In someone else’s home
- At a Day Centre
- In care homes
- In hospital
- At work
- At college
- In a public place.
Who might cause the abuse or neglect?
An abuser is often a person who has a level of power over the person being abused and they can be well known to the person being abused. They could be a
- partner, relative or family member
- neighbour
- friend and/or another service user
- Carer
- staff member
- volunteer or
- stranger
What if I am identified as the source of risk/person who may have caused harm or abuse?
If a safeguarding concern has been reported regarding harm or abuse that you are alleged to have caused a safeguarding enquiry may be undertaken. The safeguarding enquiry will about looking at the facts and not making judgements about you. You will be asked for your views on what happened.
The purpose of the enquiry is to look at what actions are required to keep the person with care and support needs safe. You will be told when the enquiry is complete and can contact the Safeguarding Team on 01905 843189 if you have any questions or concerns.
Complex Adults Risk Management (CARM) framework
This guidance seeks to provide front line practitioners with a framework to facilitate effective working with adults who are at risk of significant harm due to their complex needs, and where the risks cannot effectively be managed via other processes or interventions, such as section 9 care and support assessment or section 42, safeguarding enquiry under the Care Act 2014.
The Complex Adults Risk Management (CARM) framework should be used when the adult’s engagement with support is intermittent or where it has proved difficult to engage with the adult, and the risk is significant, and an individual agency procedures have not been able to resolve the problem(s).
For more information on the CARM and details of how to make a referral please follow the links below: