Financial Abuse and Scams

Financial or material abuse – including theft, fraud, internet scamming, coercion in relation to an adult’s financial affairs or arrangements, including in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.

Scams are a type of fraud where a criminal will extort money from individuals by manipulating
language to distort reality and isolate their victims from sources of support.

Scammers will take advantage of any situation they can, such as sending emails or text messages claiming to be from the organisations such as the  Government, Bank, Councils or Health Providers.

Useful Resources

The Chair of the WSAB has worked with New Possibilities to produce a podcast on Fraud and Scams for the WSAB.  This can be viewed on YouTube by clicking Here Link to Fraud and Scam Podcast

Below are links to other useful documents which provide more information on scamming and financial advice:

Bournemouth University- The Language of Scams

Information Leaflet on Scamming for Friends and Family


Take-Five-Over-Tea-with Loved-Ones_2021_

The Little Book of Big Scams – 5th Edition

Think-Jessica-leaflet Don’t-Fall-For-A-Scam.

National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team ‘Coercion and control in financial abuse; learning from domestic abuse’

Local Events

On the 15th June 2022, to mark Elder Abuse day, we organised an event in partnership with Age UK  Herefordshire and Worcestershire, and the Herefordshire SAB.

The event was  open to practitioners and trainers who work with older people across the two counties.  The keynote speaker was the WSAB Chair, Professor Keith Brown who is a national lead on this matter and the aim was to raise practitioners  awareness of how scammers operate and how to prevent  being caught out.

The slides from the event can be found by following this link: Presentation from Scams Event