Self-Neglect Policy FINAL V2.2 – Revised March 2023

During 2022, the WSAB undertook an extensive review of the Self-Neglect policy, which is now a Self-Neglect and Hoarding Policy.

This revised guidance was produced through a collaborative approach, with a range of statutory and voluntary sector stakeholders, across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

It is for practitioners (both paid and voluntary) who have contact with people who persistently self-neglect, often combined with hoarding behaviour and including people who sleep rough.  Based on the approach of no wrong door, it clarifies the support pathway and introduces the concept of significant harm requiring a S42 enquiry.

A Summary of the document can be found by following this  Link to self-neglect policy spotlight briefing

Further information on self-neglect can be found by following this Link to WSAB Self Neglect Page