Partnership Structure & Sub-Groups
Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership (meet twice yearly)
To evaluate the effectiveness of safeguarding children and young people;
- Agency collaboration to share and co-own the Vision for how to achieve improved outcomes for vulnerable children
- Challenge appropriately and hold one another to account for the effectiveness of early identification and multi-agency response to safeguarding
- Commitment to deliver and evaluate the Quality Assurance and Learning and Development programme to promote best practice in the way local services for children and families can become more reflective and implement changes to practice
- Review and evaluate the effectiveness of front line multi-agency practice in relation to high quality and timely decision making, assessment and planning to protect children from harm
WSCP Executive Group (meet monthly)
Mandated to:
- Monitor activity of sub-groups
- Review any escalated priorities
- Receive and approve Serious Case Reviews/Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and any recommendations
- Receive and approve Quality Assurance reports and recommendations
Child Safeguarding Practice Review Group (meet quarterly)
Mandated to:
- Review and management of Local Safeguarding Child Practice Reviews
- Identify issues of multi-agency learning to inform the Learning and Development programme
GET SAFE Partnership Group (meet bi-monthly)
Mandated to:
- Development and co-ordination of the Strategic and Tactical Action Plan to support and protect children and young people vulnerable to and experiencing ‘Get Safe’ risks of harm and contextual safeguarding
Quality Assurance Practice and Procedures (meet monthly)
Mandated to:
Deliver and evaluate:
- Multi-agency Audit Programme
- Multi-agency Learning and Development Programme
- Monitoring of Multi-Agency Key Performance Indicators
- Inter-Agency Policy and Procedures
Headteachers Safeguarding Steering Group (meet quarterly)