Levels of Need (Thresholds)
Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) requires safeguarding partners to publish a threshold document which sets out the local criteria for action when an early help response is required and the criteria for making a referral to local authority Children’s Social Care. This document was formerly known as Thresholds Guidance but is now called the Levels of Need document.
Worcestershire Levels of Needs (formerly Thresholds document) is intended to assist professionals to make decisions about how to respond to the needs of the children, young people and families they are working with. It is not intended to be prescriptive or exhaustive, nor is it a definitive way to open or close a gateway to a particular service or range of services. Every child and family is unique and their needs should be considered on a case by case basis and decisions made using professional judgement, supported by this guidance.
Important information about making referrals
The referral form (previously known as Cause For Concern) has been updated and it can be accessed via the Council’s website and for those who have a Worcestershire Children’s Portal account it will remain available through this also. Details about the changes and how to complete the referral form can be found on the leaflet Referrals to Worcestershire County Council.