LGA – Understanding Safeguarding Concerns
LGA pre-recorded webinars: ‘Understand what constitutes a safeguarding concern’ and the framework on ‘Making decisions on the duty to carry out Safeguarding Adults enquiries’.
The LGA is pleased to announce the roll out of a pre-recorded webinar and a series of live Q&A sessions against the backdrop of the framework ‘Understand what constitutes a safeguarding concern’ and the framework on ‘Making decisions on the duty to carry out Safeguarding Adults enquiries’. The pre-recorded webinar, which aims to provide a foundational understanding of what constitutes a safeguarding concern and will introduce quick guides and case studies to support the framework. This webinar is intended to be for professionals and staff across all sectors who support individuals and communities who may be in need of safeguarding support. This webinar will be available in November and prior viewing of the pre-recorded webinar is recommended for those joining one of the 8 live virtual Q&A sessions.
The Q&A sessions, which will be delivered between December and March (see dates below) are aimed at: safeguarding strategic and operational leads in all organisations (including local authority and health providers and police commissioners, voluntary sector, advocacy, independent health and care providers, and homelessness providers/organisations, CQC, etc.). These sessions will provide an opportunity to explore the framework through group discussions and provide an opportunity to engage in a Q&A session. The webinar and Q&A sessions will be led by Making Connections IOW Ltd who facilitated the work on safeguarding enquiries and safeguarding concerns for us. If you are interested in attending a workshop please send your expressions of interest to chip@local.gov.uk indicating which webinar you would like to join. Dates for the live Q&A sessions are: 3 & 7 December, 26 & 27 January, 12 & 17 February, 15 & 22 March. All are running 10:00-12:00
Useful links:
- https://www.local.gov.uk/sites/default/files/documents/25.168_Understanding_what_constitutes_a_safeguarding_07.1.pdf
- https://www.local.gov.uk/sites/default/files/documents/25.130%20Making%20Decisions%20on%20the%20duty_06%20WEB.pdf