Publication of National Review Panel Report – Star Hobson and Arthur Labinjo-Hughes
Many of you will already be aware of the recent publication of an independent review by the National Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel into the tragic deaths of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes in Solihull, and Star Hobson in Bradford. This is the first report the National Panel has completed and published on individual cases, and it makes wide ranging recommendations for both Government and Safeguarding Partners that will need to be considered carefully over the coming months.
The review also identified key learning points for frontline professionals, which have been distilled into a short briefing note (attached) and which are equally relevant to all areas and agencies across the country. This briefing note summarises the key learning and recommendations in five pages. I would suggest that managers and supervisors find time to read the briefing note in its entirety, however I would ask that everyone who works with children and young people across Worcestershire takes the time to read at least pages 2 and 3 of this document, which set out the key practice issues, and questions that you may wish to reflect on as a practitioner as a result of learning from these cases. If you are a manager or supervisor I would also ask for your support in ensuring this briefing note is circulated to as many of your staff as possible.