WSAB Update to the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards during the pandemic guidance regarding visiting by professionals – 27 April 2021
Attached are the latest guidelines from the government following the easing of some restrictions on 12th April.
As part of the government’s planned roadmap out of the current lockdown, they have have updated the following documents
Mental Capacity Act and deprivation of liberty safeguards during the pandemic guidance and additional guidance in relation to our advice for professionals visiting care homes and hospitals to say that visits by professionals can occur when needed and that they should be supported wherever it is possible to do so safely.
This guidance is now in line with wider guidance on care home visiting and guidance on testing for professionals visiting care homes, which were both updated on the 22nd April, reminding people that they should work closely with care homes to decide if visiting is appropriate, that they should be tested on the door of the first care home they visit that day, and that testing is only one part of the approach to reduce risk.