Homelessness and Rough Sleeping

WSAB Policy 

The WSAB Self-Neglect Policy recognises Homelessness and Rough Sleeping as form of self-neglect.

Link to WSAB Self-neglect policy V3 June 2024

Rough Sleeper Deaths

A Rapid Review will be undertaken when a person sleeping rough dies.  A Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) referral should be submitted using the  this form Link to SAR referral form and a Rapid Review will be held. 

A member of Healthwatch will be invited to join the Rapid Review panel as an observer to ensure transparency and accountability. 

The Rapid Review will consider how agencies worked together to support the person and whether the SAR criteria are met.

Where the SAR criteria are met a SAR will be undertaken in line with the protocol. 

Where the SAR criteria are not met a decision will be made on whether a review needs to be undertaken by another Board or organisation and whether any leaning for agencies involved has been identified. 

The WSAB will collate the number of SAR referrals and SARs undertaken regarding the deaths of people sleeping rough annually and then identify any recurring themes that need to be addressed further and reported to the WSAB.  

Links to useful documents and resources

The Local Government Association have published the following information on Rough Sleeping and Homelessness

Adult safeguarding and homelessness: a briefing on positive practice | Local Government Association

Adult Safeguarding and Experience Informed Practice

Shelter have also produced the following information which sets out the rights for people who find themselves homeless

Homelessness advice – Shelter England

At the start of 2021 they ran a series of webinars  webinars were run, these can now be found here:

LGA Homelessness Webinars

Manchester SAB have produced a video on a local rough sleeper known as ‘Beryl’  This gives an excellent overview on the need and application of assessing executive function when working with rough sleepers.  A copy of the video can be found here:

Beryl’s Story

WSAB Thematic SAR regarding  People who Sleep Rough

The WSAB undertook a Thematic Safeguarding Adults Review on people who Sleep Rough.  Details of this SAR can be found WSAB Thematic SAR on People who Sleep Rough

An Assurance Panel, which includes representatives from the Housing and Homelessness sector, has been established to review the responses to the recommendations from this SAR.  Below are links to the minuets from these meetings:

WSAB Thematic SAR Assurance Panel Published Notes 15.12.2022

WSAB Thematic SAR Assurance Panel Published Notes 17.02.22

WSAB Thematic SAR Assurance Panel Published Notes 21.04.22

WSAB Thematic SAR Assurance Panel Published notes 16.06.2022

WSAB Thematic SAR Assurance Panel Published Notes 08.09.22

WSAB thematic SAR Assurance Panel Published notes 2022.10.27

Reviews in other Areas:

Below are some links to Safeguarding Adults Reviews which have taken place following deaths of people who are homeless or slept rough in other areas of the county.

Herefordshire undertook a Thematic Review on Premature Deaths, which included people who were experiencing homelessness. Given that some of the services in Herefordshire cross the boundaries of Worcestershire it was recommended that this SAR was shared with the WSAB.

HSAB Thematic Review into Premature Deaths

Calderdale undertook a Thematic Review following the deaths of five men who were living on the streets of Halifax.  Details of the Review can be found under the heading of  ‘Burnt Bridges’.

Calderdale SAB SAR Page