Resources and Publications

ICON Resources

NHS England emergency planning materials are available to all areas for free and to be used as part of the hospital based part of the ICON programme (I-Infant Crying is Normal, C-Comforting Methods can help, O-Its OK to walk away, N-Never ever shake a baby).
It’s a brief guide aimed at midwives, hospital intervention and health visitors. Please follow the link below for


Bruising on Babies

The film provides advice to practitioners about seeking an explanation from the babies carers  and what action to take if no explanation is provided or an unlikely or inadequate explanation is given.

Please take a look at the animation and share it with your colleagues



The Neglect Toolkit:

In order to assess a parent’s capacity to
meet their child’s needs, it is important in
cases where neglect is suspected to examine
and gain an understanding of both the
current circumstance and the parents’ early
experience. This should form the basis for
any assessment undertaken. This toolkit is
for practitioners to use with parents/carers.


Training Guidance: